
Helium Music Manager (FULL + Crack)

Helium Music Manager (FULL + Crack)

Helium Music Manager 11 comes with many new features, improvements and simplifications which will make your work with Helium Music Manager easier.

Key changes

New labels view
A new view has been added to Helium Music Manager 11 – Labels view.
The labels view (label was previously named publisher) will show all labels in your collection, similar to the Albums and the Artists views.
We have also extended the Edit labels information tool which now supports editing of parent label and sub labels. All this allows you to create label hierarchies.
Best of all, we now support downloading of label information via our plug-ins, including parent and sub labels so you won’t need to type all label information manually.
The new label system is fully supported in the Music Explorer and the Music Browser.
We have extended tagging in Helium Music Manager 11 with several new features:
  • You can tag a track/album to have multiple labels, just as multiple artists and genres. Multiple labels are supported in all Helium Music Managers tagging tools as well as database tools and views.
  • We have extended the ID3v2 frame compatibility even more to ensure maximum compatibility with other applications.
  • Five new custom tag fields and five new customizable release types have been added. Read more about this below.
  • A new Album version field has been added to allow you to more specifically set if a release is a master, digital remake, special edition or similar. This field can be used for grouping, sorting and display in the Albums view.
  • If you download track information from the Tag Editor, you can now quickly select a specific plug-in to be used without the need of going via Options.
  • Your defined external applications can now be accessed from the Advanced Tag Editors toolbar.
  • Multiple enhancements to the Tag exporting tool has been implemented. You can now add new items to any of the lists as well as move items up/down, sorting the list by clicking the column headers as well as select a specific album to be used as source/destination.
Database changes
Helium Music Manager 11 comes with new database providers, giving you a more stable and quicker user experience.
We have also performed many improvements and optimizations to fine tune the speed even more.
Most templates for tools are now stored inside Helium Music Managers database. This will simplify the backup and restore process as well as migrating between versions.
If you are working with the Network version and multiple users, it is now possible to create “master” templates which are shared between users.
This can be used to create tagging and renaming guidelines to ensure that only the correct data is changed and nothing else.
New duplicate finding tool
Helium Music Manager 11 comes with a completely new version of the duplicate finder tool.
The tool is more precise and now allows you to find both duplicate tracks as well as albums.
When searching for duplicate albums, duplicate matches are presented in a grouped mode just as for tracks.
You can expand a specific album to see all tracks from it and compare with the other duplicates to ensure that you can keep the most appropriate version.
Custom fields, custom nodes and custom release types
We have introduced five new custom fields which are available from all Helium Music Manager tools and database function. Just as for the other custom fields, you can map them to a specific tag-frame.
Another new feature available for all custom fields is that you can control the maximum length of a custom field when you edit tags for the frame.
If you are using the Create report tool, you can now use all ten custom fields in your resulting reports.
For many of Helium Music Managers tools, the user defined name of the custom field will be shown. As a helper, a small suffix text will be added to the visual name will also be shown so that easily can see which actual custom field that you are working with.
In the Music Explorer, we have added five new custom nodes, resulting in ten custom nodes which you can use and configure as you like.
We have also added five custom release types which can be used just like the standard release types, in all tools and functions supporting them.
The network edition of Helium Music Manager allows custom naming per-user of the release type fields.
Various updates
  • Helium Music Manager 11 comes with the most recent versions of BASS and it’s add-ons used for replaying, ripping, encoding and much more.
  • The BPM tag-field can now be used with Helium Music Managers Actions.
  • The Rename wizard now warns visually when a specific filename exceeds 255 characters.
  • You can rename a single item in the Rename wizards preview by selecting it and click F2.
  • The most tagging and information editing tools now comes with updated drag and drop pictures support.
  • Suggested tracks in the Now playing view is now much more randomized.
  • It is now possible to import/export Music Browser data between databases.
  • Improved possibilities to execute BAT files from external tools.
  • You can now configure if you would like autofit columns to be automatically used per-view.
New versions of our mobile applications
Together with the release of Helium Music Manager 11 we have released new versions of our mobile applications.
The most important releases are Helium Remote and Helium Streamer for iOS. These products have been rewritten from scratch to support the same user-friendly user interface the other platforms are supporting as well as all views and functions. Helium Remote and Helium Streamer for iOS supports 64-bit architecture as well as iOS 8.
We have also released new updates for our Android applications. Helium Streamer for Android now supports lock screen controls and notification controls for a richer user experience!
Best of all – these products are still fully free to use!
Helium Music Streamer 2.0
The Helium Music Streamer is updated to support the new mobile Streamer products. We have also added a new view – the Added date view – to be unified with our mobile apps.
All of the above improvements and extensions are something we are very proud over and we highly recommend you to update to Helium Music Manager 11 as soon as possible.